How to repair surgical scars
Surgery is a way to treat diseases, but it is more or less a traumatic method for our human body, so it is easy to leave scars on our skin after surgery. So how do you repair surgical scars?
The healing of surgical incision is a complex pathophysiological process, which includes four stages of blood coagulation, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling. There are many links such as secretion regulation. Abnormality of any link will affect the incision healing and cause scar formation. No matter how well we prevent and how well the surgery is done, scars are usually formed after surgery, but the size of the scars is different. Regardless of the size of the surgical scar, as long as it affects the appearance or causes organ dysfunction, it should be actively treated. If the scar is not repaired in time and correctly, it will be prone to skin problems, especially those with scar constitution, which will be more serious.
Different surgical scars have different treatment methods. For example, some surgical scars are proliferative and raised, and the method of scar ablation should be used first to degrade the hyperplastic scar tissue and make it soften and subside. And some surgical scars are concave, and the method of activating scar cells should be used to stimulate collagen regeneration and gradually flatten it. Some scars will cause limited joint movement, and some will gradually contracture and affect development. For this kind of scars, a release method should be used to restore organ function as the primary goal. Therefore, for the treatment of surgical scars, the main focus is to inhibit scar blood vessels in the early stage; in the later stage, to inhibit the proliferation of fibrous tissue and promote cell apoptosis; in the mature stage of scars, it is necessary to remove raised scars and promote collagen regeneration and reconstruction. Repair and levelling.
Although the formation of scars after surgery is inevitable, if we take some measures in time after surgery, we can still make the inevitable scars as small or less obvious as possible. Of course, we can use elastic sleeves to suppress scars in time. It's also a good way.